CVC Holiday Pot Luck Party
Raffle for Rescue
and Annual Meeting
Sunday 12/15/19 3-7pm
Wholistic Hound will be hosting our event and providing a brief training for all CVC members and non-members.
Vizslas are welcome, but please one dog per person.
The raffle raises funds to benefit dogs we take into rescue (transport fees, medical exams, treatment, food, training). Please bring an unwrapped item (even gently used) or small gift basket for a dog or dog lover.
CVC will provide a spiral sliced ham. Please bring a dish to share
A-F Appetizer/dip
G-P Side dish or salad
Q-Z Dessert
3-330 Arrival
330-430 training
430-630 Pot Luck, Raffle, & mingle
630-7 Annual Meeting
Please RSVP by Thursday 12/12 9pm to Yovonne
We can't wait to celebrate the holidays with you and your Vizsla!
Wholistic Hound Academy
18 Roth Street, Suite 100, Alexandria Va 22314
Conestoga Vizsla Club is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 2018